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International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF 2024)

Con motivo de la celebración de la 50.ª Conferencia Internacional sobre Recubrimientos Metalúrgicos y Películas Delgadas (ICMCTF 2024), celebrada en el Town & Country Resort, San Diego, California, EE. UU., del 19 al 24 de mayo de 2024, el grupo de trabajo del Proyecto COCO, por medio de sus integrantes del Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial (INTA) y la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), participó mediante dos presentaciones que corrieron a cargo de la doctores Alina Agüero Bruna y Francisco Javier Pérez Trujillo, respectivamente. En esta última se mostraron los resultados experimentales obtenidos de la colaboración de ambos grupos de trabajo.

La ICMCTF es la principal conferencia internacional en el campo de la deposición de películas delgadas, la caracterización y la ingeniería de superficies avanzada, que promueve un intercambio global de ideas e información entre científicos, tecnólogos y fabricantes. Las sesiones técnicas de la ICMCTF 2024 tuvieron una temática general que enfatiza los materiales, los procesos y las aplicaciones relevantes para el desarrollo sostenible e incluían un simposio temático relacionado.  La conferencia incluyó a más de 90 oradores invitados de alto perfil, en más de 40 sesiones, a lo largo de simposios técnicos, conferencias plenarias y magistrales, cursos cortos, un programa de premios y eventos diarios de redes sociales. Una importante exposición de equipos, materiales, literatura técnica y nuevas tecnologías fue una parte clave de la conferencia.

Por lo general, asistentes de todo el mundo asisten a presentar sus hallazgos, intercambiar ideas, compartir conocimientos, hacer nuevos amigos y, a menudo, establecer colaboraciones. La conferencia suele reunir a 700 asistentes.

En lo que atañe al grupo de trabajo de COCO, los títulos de las exposiciones orales y un breve resumen de las presentación se muestran a continuación:

  • «Characterization of Li-rich Corrosion Products Formed onto Aluminized and Uncoated Steels after Molten Carbonates Exposure»

P. Audigié, S. Rodríguez, Alina Agüero (,
Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial (INTA), Spain

Public authorities are strongly encouraging the adoption of new thermal energy storage (TES) systems in order to meet the requirements for clean energy worldwide. However, installation, maintenance and materials for such TES imply rather high costs which can hinder their implementation. To remedy this, various corrosion resistance slurry aluminide coatings have been developed at INTA onto ferritic and austenitic steels as low-cost alternative materials for structural components in contact with molten salt. Emphasis has been placed on Li-rich molten carbonate exposure at high temperature of such coated and uncoated materials and expressly on the identification and characterization by advanced techniques (GDOES, TEM) of Li-rich corrosion products as Li cannot be detected by conventional techniques. Microstructural features of LiFeO2, LiFe5O8, LiAlO2 both alpha and gamma- phases among others and Li effect will be discussed. Presence of two distinct peaks of Li were detected in the LiAlO2 oxide formed onto the slurry aluminide coated T92 heat treated at low temperature and exposed 2000h at 650ºC with Li, Na and K carbonates. Similar behavior was observed with the aluminized 310H austenitic steel after 1000h of exposure in the same environment at 700ºC. Li penetration into the different studiedmaterials will thus be described.


  • «Characterization and Evaluation of PhysicalChemical Properties of Novel Ternary and Quaternary Molten Salts and Their Economic and Environmental Impact in Parabolic Trough Technology: Corrosion Effects»

M. Lambrecht, D. Maria Teresa, L. Maria Isabel, G. Garcia Martin, J. Chaves, Francisco Pérez Trujillo(, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain;

P. Audigie, A. Aguero, INTA, Spain

Only molten salt combinations are used as a heat storage medium in CSP to date. Alkaline nitrates and nitrites have been successfully utilized as heat transfer fluids (HTF) and heat storage medium (HSM) in concentrated solar power (CSP) plants. Particularly, the binary mixture combination 60%NaNO3 – 40%KNO3, well known as Solar Salt with a freezing point around 220ºC and thermal decomposition at 560ºC [1]. Separately, there is a synthetic thermal oil that comprises the commercial parabolic trough (PT) technology to capture the heat of solar radiation. This costly HTF with a melting point about 12ºC and high environmental impact yields the heat to Solar Salt by means of exchangers. The maximum thermal energy storage temperature reached is about 390ºC, their energy power is thus limited by the organic heat carrier fluid. There are investigations aiming to increase the working temperature range a long with a unique molten salt (MS) as heat capture and storage medium. Ternary and quaternary low melting point mixtures with addition of LiNO3 and Ca(NO3)2 have been presented as direct systems candidates according to their better physic – chemical properties than Solar Salt but, nonetheless, these previous investigations have deemed a full properties study with additional environmental and economic aspects to weigh the best selection criterion to envisage alternative fluids. This investigation evaluates the important properties (melting point, degradation temperature, specific heat capacity, density and energy density) of the novel mixtures46% wt.NaNO3-19%wt.Ca(NO3)2-35%wt. LiNO3 (T1) and 33%wt.NaNO3-22%wt.KNO3-29%wtCawt.(NO3)2-16% wt.LiNO3 (Q-1). Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) has been used to calculate the environmental impact of the mixtures through the software tool Simapro7 in comparison with the Solar Salt. Likewise, an economic simulation of their usage in a direct and indirect parabolic through (PT) configuration has also been estimated by means of Levelised Cost of Energy (LCOE) parameter, which was customized for the TES facility, (LCOETES). The effects of molten salts chemical composition in the high temperature corrosion of metalic materials and coatings will be analized. In this study, a 50 MW and 6 hours heat storage capacity PT plant has been considered for LCOETES estimation . This parameter was assessed by means of an in-house method from articles references and data extrapolation to simulate price variations by replacing novel multicomponent fluids by Solar Salt as HSM.



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